Monday, August 30, 2010

Lots of Parties

Once again the past couple weeks have been filled with some fun activities. My mom and sisters hosted a baby shower for my sister Brittany who is expecting her first in just a few weeks. It was such a nice shower with yummy food, fun games and tons of cute little girl clothes. Both my sisters Brittany and Rebecca are due in just a few weeks and I can't wait for the new babies to come around.

Yesterday we celebrated Kyle's birthday, which is always fun cause I think birthdays are the best. We had a yummy dinner with BBQ tri tip, BBQ chicken, some yummy sides and finished it off with chocolate chocolate birthday cake. Love you hun, hope you had a nice birthday!

Oh the fam, always enjoy getting a nice picture all together once in a while.
Last Monday our ward hosted FHE at the temple. It was really nice to go there and enjoy being by the temple and feeling the Spirit. Evelyn and Chloe had a fun time exploring the grounds and touring the new visitors center which is really nice.
At the end all the kids sat on the stairs where couples exit after they get married and sang some primary songs. I loved being there and remembering the day I was sealed to my wonderful husband it really was a great day.

In the past couple weeks we've picked up another car. One car just wasn't working for us anymore so it is so nice to have another. We really enjoy it, it's a Land Rover and has plenty of room and is fun to drive.
Evelyn's cousin Zach had his 6th birthday party and it was a lot of fun cause they had a reptile show.
Evelyn sat next to Zach and wasn't too sure what to think of the snake he was holding.
Kyle was the brave one and held the snake so Evelyn could get a closer look.
I think Kyle was getting a little nervous as it was heading closer to him. Evelyn liked watching the snake's tongue go in and out so she was trying to imitate it.
The kids loved watching the tortoise cruise around on the grass, but Grandpa had to do some intervention when it started to eat his flowers.
It's continued to be a fun summer with family and friends. I am now into my 17th week of pregnancy and finally feeling a lot better though I am super tired all the time. We are really looking forward to 3 weeks when I find out if it's a boy or girl!!


Alyson said...

I love Kyle's face! lol! By the way, I think it's a boy.

p.s. Love the new car!

TheKeilShpeel said...

yeah for finding out in 3 weeks. How fun to have a reptile show for the birthday party... You guys have been busy

Kort said...

i am so excited you are pregnant and only due right before me! i am due on feb 7th! you girls all look so beautiful in that picture you took together! you have had a funfilled non stop summer it seems so hopefully that made it easier to get through the first part of the pregnancy, cuz honestly i dont remember mine! love you and am so excited for you!

Aubreydoll said...

I can't wait until you find out what you're having!

P.S. That snake is disgusting!!

Brittany Webster said...

Thanks for such a great baby shower! I loved it!

Rebecca said...

That is so darling! I love looking at your pictures! Love, Rebecca