Monday, December 17, 2007

Good News!!!

Well we went to the doctors today and we received an 85% chance that we are having a little baby GIRL!!! They gave us that percentage because the baby was being so modest that she was covering up her little parts with her foot. They said looking from behind and in between her legs it did not look like a boy so they guessed a girl. They will do another ultrasound on Jan. 17 to recheck but they were pretty sure. It was so neat to see the whole baby and how much it has grown, we have a really cute picture of her hand as she was totally waving to us. She was definitely moving around a lot and it was so incredible. Well we are getting ready to leave for our Christmas vacation and hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Koester Dancers

I know I emailed this special dance message, but I just had to post it. So Merry Christmas from Natalie and Kyle. Watch and Enjoy!

Thanks for the Tag!

Tag #1
1. Where did you meet your husband? At a bonfire, cooking smores! yum
2.What was the first thing you said to your husband? Probably Hi, he came up to me that night
3. Where was your first date? Ate at a steak house and then went to a party
4. Where was your first kiss? On my front porch
5. Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? Dated for about 2 years, engaged for 3 months
6. Where did you get engaged? Ventura Beach
7. Where were you married? We were married in the LA Temple
8. How did your reception go? Fun, but went by too fast
9. How was your honeymoon? Great. Sat on the beach in Mexico

Tag #2
Four Places I've lived....
1. Valencia, California
2. Provo, Utah
3. Lansing, Michigan

Four jobs I've had....
1. Magic Mountain
2. Camp Counselor
3. Server at an elderly home
4. Art teacher

Four things I'd like to do before I die....
1. have children
2. travel more
3. live at the beach
4. win Mrs. America contest

Four favorite desserts....
1. brownies
2. chocolate chip cookies
3. Lemon cake
4. rainbow sherbert ice cream

Four facts about me....
1. I love to shop
2. I am very interested in art history
3.I really like John Travolta and would love to meet him
4. If I could be born again I would want to be Polynesian

Four favorite TV shows....
1. The Office
2. The Hills
3. The Price is Right
4. HGTV and TLC network

Tag #3

6 facts/habits about's the good and the ugly!
1. I just wrote 4 facts above this
2. I love teaching art to kids
3. I am considered a professional in partner dancing; waltz, east and west coast swing, cha-cha, two-step
4. I love to dance and perform my favorite is tap which I have done since I was 5 years old, I taught partner dancing to adults for 3 years
5. I am very laid back and easy going
6. I love playing sports, and I still hold the record at my Junior High for the fastest time in the 400, which is one lap around a track.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Season, my favorite!!!

These past couple of weeks I have had to remind myself that I still have a husband since I have not seen him very much as he diligently studies for finals coming up. I can't wait till they are over so he's not so stressed and that means we leave for Christmas vacation. This really is my favorite time of year, I love winter and the Christmas season. I put all my decorations up and love how all the lights look. I think it would be cool just to leave the lights up all year round. I am counting down the days till the 17th when we hopefully find out if we are having a boy or girl!! The only problem with counting down is it makes time go by really slowly so I try not to think about it too much. There are only 11 days left!