This past weekend Kyle, Evelyn and I escaped the winter cold and headed south to Florida. It was really so nice to get some sunshine and enjoy some relaxation. Most of our days were spent on the beach, taking walks, and playing in the sand. Evelyn wasn't too sure of the sand but she did seem to really like watching the waves and did take a couple good naps in the shade. I loved being able to walk out the door without getting all bundled up or having to turn the heater on. It was like Evelyn rediscovered her arms, legs and feet since she hasn't seen them in so long since they are covered up all the time. She would sit there and suck on her arms and her toes cause she thought it was a fun new toy. Kyle and I managed to get a bit sunburned since our skin hasn't seen sun in so long, but in a way it feels good. I love going on trips and having the three of us hang out together all day. I know Evelyn misses hanging out with her daddy while he is so busy with school. It is nice to get away every once-in-a-while and just focus on each other and spend good, quality family time. Here are a few pictures of us hanging out on the beach, hopefully it won't be too long before we get to see warm sunshine again.
I just really like this picture of my grandma of her at the beach since it is one of my favorite places. I can just imagine standing on the sand and the rocks letting the water run on my feet and just feeling so relaxed while taking in the warmth of the sun, oh how I long for the summer to come quickly.