We also had a good time carving the pumpkins Evelyn just wanted to be photographed with her behind, on-top and in the pumpkin, she really seemed to be enjoying herself.
Kyle and I each had our own pumpkin to carve and he felt the need to use his drill to get the job done right. Here is Evelyn again posing with the final products, she just loves to be in front of the camera. She is just growing so quickly and we are having so much fun with her and here is a sneek peek at some future pictures to come of my little ladybug. Happy Halloween!!
This past weekend was a lot of fun at my family reunion in Arizona. It was so great to be with my whole family and just hang out with them all. Saturday was a fun filled day full of games, races (which I won in my group), eating and an awesome talent show. I also won a candy bar for being the one that traveled the farthest to get to the reunion, yeah I was proud. Saturday night my mom, sisters Rebecca and Brittany and I did a tap dance for the talent show. We did it to a song by Elvis and everyone loved it, I'd have to say it was the best act of the whole evening. Sunday we had a nice testimony meeting and enjoyed visiting out on my grandpa's ranch. It is always fun getting together with my cousins and having fun out in the dirt of Arizona, it's just a little different than being in the city of Los Angeles. Evelyn enjoyed seeing her cousins as well and of course having photo shoots. She also wanted to show off her new hat that she is beginning to use as the weather begins to cool.
That's my grandma! She has been featured in a couple pictures in the Ensign this month. Our stake president is a photographer for the Ensign and we were so excited she was asked to be a part of the article. She is such a wonderful grandmother and someone I have always looked up to. I love her sweetness, confidence, love and of course her lemon squares they really are so good. I really am so blessed to come from such an amazing line of women from my grandmother to my own mother. I really strive to be like them and live as they live. I love you grandma and I love you mom.