Well we had another wonderful Christmas with our families. We accomplished a lot of traveling going from Michigan to Georgia to Los Angeles to Georgia and back to Michigan, but it was all worth it. Evelyn loved seeing all her aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and doggies(brownie, teddy, chuck and sadie). Evelyn also loved finally being able to go outside and play since she hasn't been doing too much of that in the snow. All the grandkids had a fun time acting out the nativity scene at my parents house and I even got to be the "star"! Before we left we let Evelyn open her gifts from us since we wouldn't be taking them with us. I think the biggest hit and her favorite was her new trampoline. It really is awesome, she can get sooo much energy out, which is necessary. We have since moved it into the house so she can use it at all times of the day.

We then did a Christmas at Kyle's parents house and Evelyn had a good time opening her gifts. She always gave a cute sound and expression with each gift she opened.

Crazy morning hair!

Evelyn loves looking at books, so she really enjoyed getting some new ones.

Cute picture of mom and Evelyn.

She was telling me something very important.

Kyle gave me some beautiful jewelry which I appreciate very much. Thanks hun!

My mom made all her grandkids a Christmas blanket. I know it took her a long time and it was so thoughtful. They are so nice and soft. Evelyn has enjoyed using hers.

The two youngest cousins had a good time together.

Aunt Amy gave Evelyn some nice gifts that she enjoyed opening. A cd with music on it which she loves, this girl loves to dance.

Newest family picture. Best we could get.

The Koester family.

Aunt Amy and Uncle Daniels cute dogs. Chuck and Sadie, quite the pair.

Evelyn showing off her new adidas workout suit. She really was having fun with this on and showing it off at the gym with me.

Evelyn loves to put on Kyle's hats, and feel like she's going somewhere.

Evelyn doing some mommy time in her chair with all her babies she got for Christmas. She loves to take care of them all and give them hugs.

She also enjoys putting in some computer time on her new laptop.

We had a great past year, with Kyle finishing more of his law school, Evelyn growing so much, learning a lot and bringing such a sweet spirit into our home and me receiving my masters degree. We look forward to another great year with Kyle graduating from law school, moving out of Michigan and looking forward to new adventures.