We got to take another fun family trip to Georgia to visit Kyle's family. We
definitely kept ourselves busy with 3 football games, a trip to Kentucky and a trip to Florida. Grandma and Grandpa K were excited to see their girls and we were excited for Kyle's siblings to finally meet
Ellouise. First game at Grandpa K's school.

Headed to Kentucky to see uncle
Klay's team play. Uncle
Klay and aunt Angie got the girls cute outfits to wear for the game.

We then headed down to the Florida coast. It was so nice and fun, I just love the beach anywhere anytime. Evelyn was having fun burying dad in the sand.
Ellouise was sure enjoying herself as well.

Kyle introduced us to
Whataburger. I certainly enjoyed the chocolate shake.

I think Evelyn's favorite part of the trip was when Grandma and Grandpa took us to the county fair. She was having so much fun on the rides. It was so cute to see her so happy and having such a great time.

Ellouise having a good time with Grandpa.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa K for a fun trip!

Evelyn's been working on a behavior star chart and she has been doing really well, but she was in her room by herself and thought it would be fun to decorate herself with the stars.
Ellouise taking it all in.

This girl loves to pose whenever there's a camera around. Such a character.

Now this is what being completely
whiped out looks like.