Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hoppy Easter!
We had a nice Easter together as a family of four for the first time this past Sunday filled with lots of candy and treats with more treats. Evelyn and Ellouise looked so cute in their matching dresses, it reminded me why I love having these two girls together. I can't wait till they get a little older and become such good friends.

My two sweet daughters who I love so much!

Evelyn really is such a good big sister and loves to give kisses and hugs all the time.
During our photo shoot Evelyn insisted in getting her camera and directing us all where to stand and how to pose for some pictures she wanted to take.

Mommy and her girls
Daddy with his girls
Evelyn had fun looking for her Easter basket and going through all her goodies. I love watching her look for her basket remembering when I used to do it when I was little in the very same room.

Every year our neighborhood has an Easter egg hunt and Evelyn was very excited to be a part of it. Ellouise was a part of it too but she was asleep the whole time, so maybe next year. It was a Hoppy Easter for all of us.

Lots of Activities
We've had lots of activities going on lately and here is a sneak peak of them all. Evelyn finished up her session at gymnastics class, which she absolutely loved and had so much fun with, and has now moved on to tap and ballet class with her cousin Chloe. She is such a good little gymnist, she could do all the pull-up bars with no problem and could jump higher than any other kid in her class on the trampoline. It was so good for her to be involved with this class, this girl has a lot of energy and this was a perfect place and way to get it out. It was always so cute to watch her and see her do exactly what her teacher would demonstrate.

Evelyn now really loves going to her dance class. She is doing so well and loves to dress up like a ballerina. She is learning all the little steps for tap and ballet and it is so fun to see her do so well and enjoy it so much. The hardest part for her is that it only comes around once a week.
I think she and her cousin Chloe love to watch themselves in the mirror, but hey when you're this cute who wouldn't?

Of course little cousin Annie couldn't be left out, so here she is in her little tutu.

Evelyn still loves to wear dresses and skirts and look cute all the time.
Recently we also purchased a new car, which we love, the Honda Pilot. It is so nice and fun to drive. We love having the extra room and comfort it provides.
Little Ellouise is now 2.5 months, which I can't believe, and is doing so well. She is so responsive now and loves to smile and try to talk. She is a great sleeper and very easy going which is such a blessing to me. She did great at her 2 month appointment even though she had to get those nasty shots. She's right on target for her height but is exceeding very well in the high 90th percentile for her weight. Just last week her first tooth popped out. I couldn't believe it when I saw it but yep that's what it was. This girls going to be eating steak in no time.
One of Evelyn's top favorite things to do is sing. She will sing anywhere, anytime and anything can work as her microphone. Here she found a plant, but the spout was the perfect shape and size for her to use as a microphone so she grabbed and sang her little heart out.

Our biggest event lately was our family road trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Since we had the new car we thought we'd test it out and go visit Kyle's family. Great Grandma and Grandpa got to see Evelyn and Ellouise and Kyle's parents drove from Georgia and met up with us. We had an enjoyable trip it was nice to see the family and let the girls get to know all their grandparents a little better.
One little scare we had was on our way we stopped for a couple days at a resort in Scottsdale, Arizona and when we headed to the pool for the day Evelyn decided she didn't need mom or dad or a life jacket to swim and just jumped right in. With our backs turned for truly a few seconds to set stuff down Evelyn went for a swim, well when we saw her struggling in the pool Kyle jumped right in to get her, new cell phone and all. One would think the child might be a little scared and nervous to get back in, but not Evelyn of course, all she commented on was how the water was cold but wanted to get right back in. It was fun trip and awesome to spend a lot of quality time together.

One little scare we had was on our way we stopped for a couple days at a resort in Scottsdale, Arizona and when we headed to the pool for the day Evelyn decided she didn't need mom or dad or a life jacket to swim and just jumped right in. With our backs turned for truly a few seconds to set stuff down Evelyn went for a swim, well when we saw her struggling in the pool Kyle jumped right in to get her, new cell phone and all. One would think the child might be a little scared and nervous to get back in, but not Evelyn of course, all she commented on was how the water was cold but wanted to get right back in. It was fun trip and awesome to spend a lot of quality time together.
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