With the holiday season here it's been a busy but fun few weeks and so here's a little of what we've been up to. Evelyn and Aunt Emily started off the Christmas holiday by decorating a gingerbread house, that I think turned out very cute and Evelyn was very helpful to eat any left over candy.

Evelyn finally made it to her very first movie. We all took the kids to see Tangled which was very cute. Evelyn was taking it all in and really enjoying it for about the first hour then we needed to go out and take some breaks, this girl just can't sit for long periods of time.

She had fun wearing her glasses and watching it all in 3D.

Busy with her candy

She loved having all the popcorn to eat, takes after her dad on that one. It was a fun experience for her and I'm glad we went.

Evelyn's got this new thing now whenever anybody is trying to give a thought for FHE or tell a story she immediately has to go up to the front of the room as well and read her story at the same time. She loves getting attention and entertaining everyone, so the rest of us just have to be patient and wait till she's done. Here she is cutting grandpa off and reading her story first.

Evelyn loves having her cousin Chloe around to play. These two girls though they can fight like sisters most times they really do get along and have a lot of fun together.

Even cousin Zach loves to play with and entertain the two girls.

Last week we went over to Summerhill where my grandma lives for their Christmas dinner and party. The food was very good, but Evelyn was so excited to see Santa Claus that she hardly could eat a bite. So here she is happy to wait for her turn.

Well once we actually got to Santa it was a little bit of a different story. At first she wanted nothing to do with the man in the red suit, but with daddy holding her tight she finally calmed down and realized he wasn't so bad after all. Here is our family picture with Santa and Evelyn looking for the exit.

Evelyn received the prettiest Christmas dress in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa K and was so excited to wear it to church. She looked so cute and enjoyed every minute of wearing it and posing for some pictures. She likes the jacket so much she had to wear it to the gym today while I worked out, she was a bit dressed up for the place, but she didn't care. Thanks again G&G K for the dress and jacket.

Then the best day of the whole year came around and I was looking forward to it. Yes that's right, my birthday. It turned out to be a great day. In the morning I took Kyle to his class and then when I returned home I was welcomed by all my family and a wonderful birthday breakfast.

Evelyn and Chloe ready to eat some waffles.

My brother Dylan helping out with the cooking.

Here I am looking nice and plump while I eat for two these days.

Later we celebrated with one of my favorite desserts, fudgy brownies with vanilla rainbow chip frosting, oh they were so good.

My birthday night I finally got to have some alone time with Kyle and we went and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Morton's Steakhouse, with crab cakes, filet mignon, lobster and of course a very large hot fudge sundae. We then headed over to see the play The Glass Menagerie, which was fun and interesting to watch, but in the end it was nice to be out and celebrate my big 30th birthday!