Well the t-shirt says it all, and it will be happening about Feb. 4th. We are so excited to have another little one come into our family. I am just about done with my first trimester which I am so excited about cause I do not enjoy feeling sick all the time and having no energy. So many memories have been coming back from when I was pregnant with Evelyn and I can't wait to have more with this new one. I know Evelyn will be a great big sister, but it might take a little adjustment.
Last week Kyle and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. I can't believe it's been 6 years, it has been a wonderful 6 years, and I look forward to many more. Since he has been so busy with the bar prep we just were able to make it to a movie and figure we will have more time to celebrate later.
The second week of July we headed out to Tampa Florida for Kyle's brothers wedding. It was a super quick trip but we were really glad we were able to make it and watch them tie the knot. Evelyn was also asked to be the flower girl so that was fun to see her perform. Here is the beautiful bride and groom, Angie and Klay.

Of course in the Koester family you can't have just a pillow for the ring bearer to carry, it had to be tied to a football. I thought it was a very cute idea.

Cute family pictures while we were waiting for rehearsal to start.

At the time of rehearsal Evelyn at first wanted to act shy, yes cause we all know how shy she is. Yeah Right.

On the day of the wedding I was a little nervous how Evelyn would do, if she would even walk down the isle by herself. Well she performed like a pro, I think she was liking the attention and all eyes on her. She was so cute and looked so beautiful, luckily daddy was up there for her to stand by.

My darling flower girl walking down the isle. Cute thing was after she walked down she stood there for a minute and then while I was hiding in the back I heard her coming back down the isle yelling, "Mom, Mom," so I hurried and got her out of the way so the bride could then walk down.

Cutest part of the wedding party!

This whole flower girl job just wore her out, look how tired those eyes are.

Kyle with his siblings. A very handsome and pretty family I have to say.

This was the best pose I could get from her, but I think it's quite precious.

The best part was watching Evelyn at the reception. She absolutely loved all the music and dancing. Not once did she ever want to sit down and take a break. You could tell she was so tired but she just kept dancing and pumping her arms.

Kyle getting ready to hit the dance floor.

Evelyn had fun dancing with Grandpa K.

I thought the center pieces were so pretty.

And of course she couldn't leave until she had her moment with the bride and groom.