Well it's been 3 weeks now being a mother and I have quickly come to learn how much work it really is. It truly is a blessing to have Evelyn in my life I am just trying to learn how to adjust to getting through a day on little sleep. It was a lot of fun going to church with Evelyn, one to get out of the house and two to show her off in her cute dress. Kyle's mom came into town for a few days and it was so fun to have her here. She was a great help in holding Evelyn so I could get things done and take a nap. Kyle and I were even able to go out and see a movie, which was awesome.

Kyle's dad made a beautiful cradle for Evelyn that she now sleeps in. It is so nice to have the cradle for a wonderful keepsake.

It surely has been nice to be close to family while caring for a newborn, I really don't know what I would do without their help. My sister and I went for our first walk together with our little girls and it was fun to push around my cool new stroller. Motherhood is growing on me and I am really enjoying the feeling of having my own child.