Well it's been just over a week being back here in California and I definitely cannot complain. It has been a lot of fun so far being with my family and seeing some old friends. Kyle finally got here which is so nice, I think that week a part was the longest ever since we've been married, but I put him straight to work to getting the stroller, car seat and bouncer all put together so they are ready to go. I can't believe I am down to my last month of pregnancy it's kind of strange but really exciting. I just get more excited when I read all of your blogs and see everyone's cute new babies. I do miss not being able to go out for girls nights or show up to play group, but I know this summer will go by fast so I am going to enjoy the time I have here sitting by the pool.
Last week I met with my new doctors and they seem really nice, so that was a good relief since I'm at the point where I can't change anymore. I was able to have an ultrasound and it was really neat to see the baby so developed. She definitely looks like she is smashed in there, I don't know how she fits and how in the world that big head I saw is going to come out of me. I have been walking up and down my parents hill to hopefully get this baby going, so we will see if it works.